Federal Agent Status

According to the U.S. Department of State on December 4, 2018, C.Kimberly Toms‘ complaint against David Scott Scharlat of November 13, 2014 resulted in the full termination of Scharlat’s federal agent status.

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Scharlat is no longer employed by the U.S. Department of State’s Diplomatic Security Services and will NEVER AGAIN use his badge and gun to terrorize women as part of his [alleged] serial rape and attempted murder patterns.

By the State of Wisconsin on February 14, 2020, David Scott Scharlat was convicted of Felony C – 2nd degree sexual assault with use of force – for the September 1, 2013 rape of C.Kimberly Toms. Sentencing is June 8, 2020 at 2pm. Scharlat is facing a possibility of 25 years in prison and 15 years’ probation.